SVInstal Shareware vs Registered version.. what are the differences. The shareware concept is simple: try before you buy. If you like SVI31 and wish to continue using it, you are required to register with Soft Ventures. The shareware version of SVInstal is NOT crippled. It does everything that the registered version does. The differences are: 1. The shareware version says 'Unregistered Shareware' on the SVInstal screen. The registered version does not. 2. The shareware version comes with the data file build program used in version 3.0x, the registered version comes with the more sophisticated PRO_BLD.EXE. (see on-line help for more details) The reason I chose to not distribute the PRO_BLD program as shareware is simple - size. It is written in Visual Basic with an Access database. While those are real nice development tools, they need huge support DLLs in order to do their magic. It did not seem logical to distribute 2+MB of DLLs at the shareware level. NOTE!!! You do not need to distribute the DLLs, ONLY SVI3.EXE and your SVINSTAL.SVI datafile. SVI3.EXE is a small efficient C program. PRO_BLD is for your use only. The SVI31.EXE engine has all the same capabilities in the shareware version. If you need some of the extras that the PRO_BLD.EXE puts in, you can get the same results by editing the .SVI data file with Notepad. (see below) Getting the shareware version to do the version 3.1 functions ------------------------------------------------------------- Screen color ------------- Add the following to the end of your .SVI file, after the list of files. [Color] Screen= 8388608 Afterfile parameters -------------------- Getting the afterfile to not pass command line parameters. This is necessary only if you wish to call a program like WRITE.EXE or NOTEPAD.EXE that is expecting the commandline parameter to be the file to open. Add the following to the end of your .SVI file, after the list of files. [AfterFile] AfterFileParameterFlag=N Place an Icon and CD/Network switches ------------------------------------- In previous versions the icon was placed based on upper case being used for the extension of the filename. (exe vs EXE) Version 3.1 adds a Y/N switch the each file. (W)ctl3dv2.dll|~|~|~|N|N | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-> CD/Net switch, see help for what it does. | | | | | +-> Place Icon, N=no icon, Y=icon | | | | +-> icon file name | | | +-> command line | | +-> icon description text | +-> file name +-> redirect ti Windows